Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeNewsSupplier NewsTool Thief Epidemic Emphasises the Need for Additional Security

Tool Thief Epidemic Emphasises the Need for Additional Security

Today, hundreds of tradespeople gather to march at Westminster to draw attention to the increase of tool theft, its detrimental impact, and the lack of action the Government takes with stricter enforcement of existing laws surrounding tool theft. Organised by Trades United, the participants will stage a ‘go-slow’ convoy driving through London, passing Westminster, to raise awareness. Every 12 minutes, a tool theft is reported in the UK, according to an analysis by Direct Line business insurance reported in 2024 – a 5% increase from the previous year, while 83% of tradespeople said they have lost business due to theft.

Andrew Humphrey is Group Chairman for The Hex Group, which specialises in the transformation of light commercial vehicles into hard-working fleets. Andrew says tool theft in the UK has reached an unprecedented level. “It is devastating witnessing the impact tool theft is having in the fleet industry, big or small, not only on businesses but on individuals’ livelihoods. With the lack of action taken by the Government to implement harsher consequences against tool theft, extra precaution needs to be taken by businesses to convert their vehicles, enhancing safety and protecting their valuable equipment.

“At The Hex Group, we recognise tool theft is a major anxiety in the fleet sector. As such, one of our customers’ top priorities is deterring thieves. A vehicle without an effective security lock has a 90% chance of break-in, in comparison with a 10% chance where an efficient security lock and system is installed. Nevertheless, vehicles will always unfortunately remain at risk of break-ins, but with the presence of additional tailored security, like alarm systems, most burglary attempts will be thwarted before they can be carried out fully.

“The advice we at The Hex Group would give is that the investment in additional security measures is critical. This can range from installing anti-peel kits and internal alarm systems to utilising visual external locks and graphics to deter thieves. It’s also best practice to avoid leaving tools in vehicles when it’s not necessary. Of course, it can be difficult to move equipment and it’s often not possible to store it anywhere bar the vehicle. So, to overcome this hurdle, lock boxes can be installed in the vehicle, creating an added layer of security and peace of mind when your fleet hits the road.

“In addition, with over four decades of experience in the fleet conversion industry, we’ve seen, time after time, proven trends in theft relating to geographic areas. Through thorough communication with each of our customers, we provide tailored security systems for fleets depending on location.”

Bri-Stor Systems is here to help. Contact their expert team today at and discover how they can support your transition to a more secure fleet.

Find out more about Bri-Stor Systems in issue 1(2025) of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine.


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