Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Free digital subscription

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine is published in A4 format, with a free digital or subscription based print issue available. The magazine is published 8 times a year and is aimed at fleet professionals who work for organisations that operate within the 'Essential Fleet Services' sector.

The 'Essential Fleet Services sector, includes: Local Authorities, Major Housing Associations, Central Government Departments & Agencies, NHS Trusts, Police & Fire Authorities, Specialist NHS Authorities, Educational Establishments, Power Generation, Gas Supply, Telecommunications, Water Authorities, Road Rail, Infrastructure Management, and Construction.

Digital and PDF Copy Archive 2023/24

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Issue 4(2024)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Issue 4(2024)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Issue 4(2024) is out now – read the digital issue by clicking the link below. Read the digital Issue - click here https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_magazine_-_issue_4_2024_?fr=sYjVmZDcxOTU4NzM You can download a low...
Essential Fleet Manager Magazine - Issue 3(2024)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 3 (2024)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Issue 3(2024) is out now - read the digital issue by clicking the link below. Click to read the digital issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_magazine_issue_3_2024_?fr=xKAE9_6OkbA You can download a low resolution...
Essential Fleet Manager Magazine issue 2(2024)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine -Issue 2(2024)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine is out now - click on the link below to view. Click to read the issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_magazine_issue_2_2024_?fr=sOWUzYzcxOTU4NzM If you would like to download a lower resolution pdf copy...
Essential Fleet Manager Magazine issue 1 (2024)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 1 ( 2024)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine is out now, click the view button below.   Click here to view digital issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_mgazine_issue_2024_?fr=sNGIyNTcwNDA2MjQ You can download a smaller version of the publication by clicking the download...
Essential Fleet Manager Issue 8 (2023)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 8 (2023)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine is out now, click the view button below. Click to view the digital issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_-_issue_8_2023_?fr=xKAE9_1pgTQ You can download a smaller version of the publication by clicking the download...
Essential Fleet Manager Magazine issue 7

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 7(2023)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Issue '7 is out now with a special feature - 'operating a fleet in remote locations'. Read the digital issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/efm_issue_7_2023_?fr=sMjdhNzY1NzIxNzA You can also download a low res pdf...
Essential Fleet Manager Issue 6 (2023)

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 6 (2023)

The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager Magazine Issue 6 (2023) is out now. Read the digital Issue https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/efm_issue_6_-_2023?fr=sNjNjYjY1NzIxNzA You can also download a low res pdf version by clicking the download button below. EFM-Issue-6-2023smallDownload
Essential Fleet Manager - Issue 5

Essential Fleet Manager Magazine – Issue 5(2023)

https://issuu.com/jdmweb/docs/essential_fleet_manager_-_issue_5_2023_?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ The new issue of Essential Fleet Manager - issue 5(2023) is out now. Click this link to view. You can click above to view in full screen digital version or download the pdf version...