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Increasing numbers of commuters plan to swap their car for leg power by 2030  

Venson survey reveals the pressure is on for fleet managers to become mobility experts 

New research from Venson Automotive Solutions suggests the role of the fleet manager is set to change as the UK becomes increasingly focused on sustainable daily travel. A survey of motorists by Venson reveals that 74% support the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) 2030 transport vision and what it says needs to be done to keep Britain moving safely and sustainably. This includes people making more leisure and work-related journeys on foot or bicycle.  

With a quarter of the emissions that harm the global climate coming from road transporti, businesses and fleet managers are under significant pressure to promote green alternatives, but the good news is that Venson’s survey results suggest more commuters are coming on board with the green agenda. One in four motorists said they would specifically like to travel by foot or bicycle to and from their place of work and for work-related journeys, where viable. If fewer drivers use their vehicle for commuting, the role of the fleet manager could become more mobility focused, juggling a leaner, greener fleet, whilst providing new flexible travel solutions to meet the needs of those who want to use foot or pedal power. 

There are, however, practical barriers that may need to be overcome by businesses to truly enable employees to put in to play a change in their travel arrangements by 2030. Concerns voiced by motorists include flexibility over workday start and finish times to accommodate slower journeys by foot or bicycle, personal safety solutions for shift workers travelling during the night, the provision of shower facilities and safe bicycle storage.  

The onus to make walking and cycling a viable option isn’t solely on businesses. Although the DVSA pledges to make towns and cities safer for those walking and cycling, the Venson survey also suggests it needs to live up to these promises; 42% of people said better pedestrian paths and cycle ways need to be in place by 2030 if they are to put their ambitions into practice. 

Comments Alison Bell, Operations Director for Venson Automotive Solutions, “Happily, we are not sounding the death knell for work vehicles or fleet managers, as 37% of people we asked say that it’s just not practical to walk or cycle everywhere all the time for business. Another 31% were simply not willing to entertain the notion of not using a motor vehicle. 

“It is important to recognise though, that there is an increasing appetite to keep Britain moving by more sustainable power as we head to 2030. For it to become a reality though, more needs to be done by government to help businesses and employees embrace a greener road and footpath to the future.” 




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